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Certyfikat kompetencji Inspektora Ochrony Danych


in connection with the 2016 EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

Security application expert in accordance with the GDPR

This is to certify that

Mr Tomasz Klim

completed training

"Risk analysis and safeguards according to GDPR"

carried out by Zontek i Wspólnicy Sp. k.

covering the following issues:

  1. - Risk analysis as the basis for planning security in the GDPR
  2. - Threats and cyber threats affecting the security of IT infrastructure and processed personal data: Social engineering attacks, Infrastructure attacks, Malware, Hardware threats, Data threats, Human errors
  3. - Threat detection methods
  4. - Overview of typical safeguards in accordance with the provisions of the GDPR: Organizational security, Physical security, IT infrastructure security

Jacek Zontek

General Partner

Zontek and Partners, Limited partnership

Poznań, Poland, 2018-11-28

Red Hat, Inc. hereby certifies that

Tomasz Klim

has successfully completed all the program requirements and is certified as a

Red Hat Certified System Administrator

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6

Randolph R. Russell, Director, Global Certification Programs.

Certificate number: 150-035-731

Red Hat Certified System Administrator

MIH Distinguished Technologist

Naspers-MIH hereby recognises

Tomasz Klim

as a Distinguished Technologist in acknowledgement of his professional expertise and the contribution he has made to Allegro and the Naspers group.

Antonie Roux, CEO MIH
Jacques van Niekerk, CTO MIH Internet


Technical architect, leading developer, technical owner, chief technical consultant (...) He is difficult to replace without impact to long-term service development.

Dawid Techner, direct supervisor


It is worth emphasizing Tomek's active contribution to the activities for the transfer of ideas, technologies and solutions in our company.

Natalia Filipiak, Corporate Communication Department

Since 2013 we are the partners of major polish ERP systems manufacturers:

  1. Comarch SA - authorized for Comarch ERP Optima
  2. InsERT SA - authorized for Insert GT

Comarch Partner

>InsERT Partner


It is hereby certified that Mr

Tomasz Klim

KLIM Business Solutions Sp. z o.o.

on 13-06-2013 participated in the training:

"Comarch ERP Optima Technical Authorization"

Zbigniew Rymarczyk

Comarch SA Vice President

No: 130612_2691100B_140508KKT_2595

Tomasz Klim - Comarch ERP Optima technical authorization